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Self -Care Tips

  • Exercise frequently. Being active has positive benefits not only for your body but also releases chemicals that can help a person feel good. Some people also find that exercising helps reduce painful period effects. 

  • Vaginal Care. Make sure when you wipe yourself, you wipe front to back. NEVER back to front. This will cause bacteria to spread and cause complications. You also want to look out for harsh chemicals and products. Your vagina cleans itself. Forcing unsensitive, unnatural products to it can cause irritations.

  • Your body is a temple. What you consume will reflect on the outside. 

  • Menstruation products. There are many types of products you can use. From tampons,to pads, to cups, etc. All of which work in special ways. Those that partake in sports or are more active tend to lean towards tampons due to the fact that they're flexible. 

  • Change frequently.It is said that you must change your tampons, pads, or whatever product you're using every 6-8 hours. Although change as needed, meaning if its a heavier flow day then you might want to change every 3-4 hours. 

  • Shower as needed. We sweat and collect a lot as we go through our days. Cleaning yourself thoroughly, applying deodorant, and moisturizing your skin are just as important.

  • Cotton Friendly. Cotton is very gentle and friendly to your skin. It is also a fabric that is breathable. This helps keeps bacteria from being trapped in areas it isn't supposed to be. Look into buying cotton fabric clothing such as your underwear and tops.

  • Sex. If you ever do decide to engage in sexual activity, peeing afterwards is key to keeping yourself safe. Being safe is the number one priority when it comes to this (unless you're planning to get pregnant!) Safe sex includes using condoms and acknowledging what your options are. 

  • Emotions. Taking time to understand how you feel or how you're doing emotionally and mentally is just as important as taking take of yourself physically. Talk to a friend, do a face mask once in a while, go for a walk, jam out to music, etc. Find time to do what you love!

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